Healthy Vegan Sandwich Ideas
Four healthy vegan sandwich ideas disclaimer I am not a nutritionist the following is based on my experience online research and common sense I went vegan eight months ago and never looked back my reason was not health-related I just refuse to benefit from the practices of the food production industry I am not an animal rights activist I just like cats and dogs and believe other sentient beings such as cows pigs and chicken deserve the same kind of consideration for their needs and welfare I am actually ok with eating them as long as they are reared with due consideration to their welfare which not the case today with that out of the way
Have to say I find the vegan lifestyle fairly easy it’s much easier than being vegetarian which I have tried in the past I have zero cravings for meats dairy products or eggs milk just doesn’t taste as good anymore don’t ask me why one thing people often ask is without meat eggs or dairy products what’s left for you to eat so here
I am today sharing my favorite vegan sandwich fillings they’re yummy very healthy and easy to prepare I use only whole-grain bread and choose these spread fillings avocado I absolutely love avocado we have two trees of avocado in our backyard and we get fresh organic supply during the season avocado is great as it is all you need is a spoon and it also makes a great sandwich filling my husband sometimes has it with vegetables, especially tomatoes but I just like to put a slob of avocado and tuck right in hummus living in Israel.
we have a fair selection of hummus spreads here some of them use vegetable oil or even starch which makes them less healthy than the original I found a good brand Rafi cohens by tzabar that focuses on the original squashed chickpeas with tahini and it tastes really good roasted vegetables these need to be prepared in advance but you can keep them in the fridge covered in olive oil for several days to prepare just roast sliced zucchini mushrooms yellow and red peppers cauliflower and pretty much any other kind of vegetable you like
I like to sprinkle it all in olive oil and throw a few cloves of garlic into the mixture I roast them in the oven uncovered until their tender and crispy they get a thick texture that’s perfect for a sandwich they even come with oil and a garlicky taste so no need to add anything else halva when in the mood for something sweet halva is a great option its made of tahini and you can get organic varieties using honey instead of sugar I am talking of the Israeli middle-eastern variety of halva has no flour or anything else the main problem with halva is that I have a sweet tooth and find it hard to stop at one piece