Lose Weight
Yup, I need a good motivation boost for losing weight again. It’s not that I don’t want to lose weight. Duh, of course, I do. I just need to want to lose weight more than I want to eat, I guess. In other words, I need to become more motivated.
So, being a blogger and all that, I figured a good way to do that would be to come up with a brutally honest list of reasons why losing weight will benefit me. The idea is to throw it all into this post here, and later work this list into a series of short daily posts. That way, every day I will dwell on one more reason why I really really need to lose weight.
So, here goes, let’s see how many I can come up with. I’ll be leaving comments open on this post, so if you have more suggestions, please add them as comments.
So, throwing them out here in no particular order other than the one in which they come to my mind.
X Reasons to Lose Weight
Once I lose the excess weight.
I’ll be able to run with a lessened risk of a knee injury. I’ll be able to shop for sports clothing in a regular store and not the overpriced Plus sized ones. I’ll be able to go on longer and more difficult hikes with my family. I’ll be able to wear my pretty “thin clothes”.I will drastically lessen the chances of me developing diabetes. Clothes are going to last for longer, with no worn-out inner thigh areas. I’ll be able to do things on our up-and-coming vacation next year, like riding horses. I will feel less self-conscious about eating around other people. I’ll be able to feel good in any old outfit and won’t have to dress up just to go pick the kids up from school. I’ll be able to go to the swimming pool and actually swim and have fun without feeling awkward. I won’t have to come up with excuses for being overweight. I’ll feel good about having my picture taken for the family albums. I’ll be getting compliments from people again instead of worried looks. I’ll be able to buy cheap sexy clothes for just one season at a time. I will be able to exercise more and have more energy. I will hopefully have fewer migraines.
Ok, the last one felt kinda repetitive and blah, so I better stop here. I was looking for concrete stuff, mainly.
So there it is, so far 15 reasons. I’ll edit and add more as I go along.
ETA is another reason – I’ve been getting more migraines lately, and I think losing weight might help with that.